Travel and Street photography made me I grew up a lot in photography and not only. Today, it is through these practices that I express myself best. Being in the street and traveling allow me to build my artistic message, my approach and my photographic vision, and to take full advantage of my camera and the creative possibilities it gives me. “A Tribute to Street and Travel Photography” is a work in which I try to communicate this passion and to pay homage to it, both with the photographs and by writing.
The Story behind is a project in which I choose a photo which particularly marked me as a photographer, and for which I develop in writing the story behind it, which is in other words, how I took it and what I felt at this very moment. It is often said that the whole point of a good photo is that it speaks for itself and it doesn’t need words (quote from Ellit Erwitt). So I don’t know if my photos are good enough. However, I choose here to give an orientation to the audience’s eyes and to contribute to its imagination by sharing a little more, in other words, the real story hidden the photograph and therefore my own story.
Mobile photography has evolved tremendously in recent years and the smartphone has become a great creative tool, especially for street and travel photographers like me. In this series, I exhibit pictures that were taken only with an iPhone, both on the shooting and editing work. It’s a practice which offers more and more creative possibilities and which moreover pushed me to create the following blog : La Photo dans la Poche, a blog (only in french) dedicated to discovering, learning and practicing photography with a smartphone.
2019 was marked by the pandemic and it was the start of an unprecedented crisis. A health crisis first, of course, a social, political and economical crisis, certainly, but also a crisis which is directly linked to our common way of life. A way of life that it was impossible to imagine a short time ago and that we will probably never really adopt entirely. This work shows some photographs whose main subject is none other than the pandemic itself and its impact on people’s daily lives, an impact represented here by the mask. A subject that I would certainly have preferred to never photograph. You will see that I chose a black and white photography here because I still have the hope that we will soon use the past to talk about these crazy times.